Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In the Dungeon...

Helping a friend out with his new gym, said I would take some photos, thought it would be easy. Well, new things are not always easy. He calls it "The Dungeon" I thought it was just a name for a place of torture. Not completely the case here. It's VERY dark! I was taking action photos in the dark! I have lenses for weddings that do great in low light...but for NO LIGHT! So, I didn't do as well as I had hoped. Here is a photo from the shoot, it's a little artsy, but that's just me. Why put it in a book or a little frame and call it a photo when you could make it big, hang it on the wall and call it ART!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

enough of that day this, day that stuff!

Okay it has been a few days since I last blogged, why does this sound like a confessional? Anyway, life has been busy! My computer guy turned a 15 minute project into a 4 day project, however on the bright side...I asked for an Acura type software at a "if you can drag it you can have it price" and he gave me a Black Range Rover decked out and still at the drag it price! I'm very happy :)

Forwarding my new domain to my photo site and forwarding my old domain to my new one which will...you know. Working on my logo, yet again, thinking I may go with something very simple as choosing my font and then wait for the logo. Much cheaper I think...budget is calling and I can't afford the call, ya hear me?

One of my events that I have done for 5 years now, is going to use one of my photos for their shirts this year, I'm honored :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 4

Happy with my new logo, I think I have plastered it on everything I own, but my clothing...hm mm it would look great on a black shirt...heheehhehe! Spoke with a fellow photographer about selling rights to his photos to a zoo. All I can say is "Research, Research, Research" I don't know a lot about that situation and he has no idea what he might be in for, so Google away my friend, Google away! Went to Taekwondo this morning, I'm hurtin' but it feels great. I really want to take some photos there of the kids, parents just love to see their kids doing great and I love taking the photos and seeing the parents faces when they look at what I saw. It's awesome, it's why I do what I do.

Moments pass so quickly that we can rarely capture them to memory to do them any justice, that's why we have photographers! I love what I do :)

Photo for the day: From a Windsurfing regatta in Sarasota. The water is cold, the boat is rockin' and I'm standing up with a steady hand! Yahoo I love a challenge :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 3

Worked on new logo today...went from fancy to simple and easy to read :) I like it, classic, simple, but elegant, black and white...sounds like me! Funny how that works isn't it. Okay, now working on new business cards yippee this is great fun! Going from part-time to full-time is a big change. Everything that I did before down to my logo was rushed and I knew it was only temporary. This is the real deal now...mister! Permanent marker serious!

Oh yes, and my photo for today: Photos for a family of 5 + a dog, for more Christmas cards, walking down to the posing area gave me some great shots of the kids looking more natural. I love this photo...maybe because it reminds me of myself when I was little, the sun setting behind her on the open water, tells me that the possibilities are endless...I love that!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 2

Okay this isn't so bad, a little problem with the whole password thing and remembering which email account I used to set this little booger up with :D and we're off!!!!!

Working on updating my website photos and products, big pain in the bottom half, but it must be done. Humbling to look at other photographers blogs and see how this really hasn't started out to look anything like their blogs.

Note to self...must have lots of photos to pull off "Pro Photo Blog" will try to remember that. Oh right, let me add a photo for today...ummm okay here it goes...

*** This photo from a great family wanting their Christmas Card photos. I think this was the fastest shoot I have ever done, must have been it was the week before Christmas and she still needed to send them out ;)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Crazy little thing called B L O G...

First day of blogging, not really sure what I'm doing, but because I'm serious about being successfull in the photography world...here goes!
This is a photo from our family vacation Beech Mountain North Carolina. Beauty & peace in a single shot...I love it!