Thursday, August 26, 2010

My kind of school

Yesterday & today, I have had the pleasure to watch and learn from one of the best in the Wedding photography...the one and only superfantabulous...Jasmine Star. I'm sitting from the comforts of my home studio/office & watching her live over the Internet. Well, it's me and over 4,000 other people, but the truly amazing thing is that it's free :)

There is a Fashion/commercial photographer, Chase Jarvis and her has online classes for photographers all the time. He approached Jasmine to do the craziest, never done before, online live wedding class for other photographers! It's a brilliant concept and I'm just so blessed to be home to watch it. I will be abandoning my children for 3 more days, but they can wave at me through the windows to the office, or say "Hi" as I pass though the livingroom for snacks and potty breaks :0)

Tell my family I said "hi" they're the ones with their noses pressed against the glass windows of the studio ;)

I will however let my kitty Gracie stay in here, she's a very good listener :)

Corinne Noel †

1 comment:

  1. I was tuning in from work again! I really am developing quite the bad habit of being on photography video lessons when I should be working, glad to see I'm not the only one neglecting my duties :)
